Welcome back to Term 3 to all of our students and families. It has been lovely to hear about all of the adventures from the students about their break. This term the Year 4’s are looking forward to their Year 4 excursion and camp to Bendigo. Please respond to the broadcast being sent out and arrange for permission and payment of the camp if your child is attending.

Since returning to school, the Year 4 class has been busy practising their persuasive writing. They have been very successful in convincing the reader of their opinion on various topics. They have even written letters to the Principal arguing whether we should replace paper and pencils with IPADS. Let’s see what he says!!

In the first week, we celebrated NAIDOC week and the class worked in small groups to complete an Aboriginal mural.

During Maths, the Year 4’s are increasing their knowledge of money, addition and subtraction. They are now working on fractions.

We have welcomed two new friends to our class, Omar and Rana. We hope they enjoy our class as much as we do!

Mrs. Stacey Koktas
Year 4 Teacher